Tag - Room Air Purifier

Spring Allergies aren’t always the same for everyone

Symptoms associated with Spring Allergies aren’t always the same for everyone. There are many factors that can influence a person’s reaction to seasonal allergies like pollen, dust and mold. One of the main causes of the worst spring allergy flare-ups is surprisingly where you live. Because air quality regulations and climates vary per region, many cities in America have completely different air quality levels. To create awareness about Spring Allergies, the Asthma And Allergy Foundation Of America has unveiled their yearly rundown of Spring...

HEPA Air Purifier Information

Among common air purifier types, only one has been proven to truly work. After years of testing and collecting thousands of customer reviews, we only recommend HEPA air purifiers. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air — which is the safest, most sophisticated and effective air purification technology available. Insight on HEPA Filter Technology HEPA Air Purifiers are an Effective Solution to Indoor Air Pollution. HEPA air purifiers are designed to help eliminate free flowing particles in the air. Although these particles are not...

What Air Purifiers Don’t Do

So an air purifier will magically solve all of my problems? We wish it was true. Think of it this way: your allergy medication helps to relieve your symptoms by working with your body. An oem air purifier helps to relieve those same symptoms by working to prevent your body from exposure to the triggers. It's a small but important distinction. Overall, we think that air purifiers are pretty great, but we should add a few words of caution: Not all air purifiers are...

OEM Air Purifier:How to Buy an Air Purifier

What the best air purifier has HEPA filtration. HEPA filtration is regarded by experts as the most effective type of filtration for removing allergens and small particles from the air. Other filters are designed to mimic this effectiveness, but few achieve the ability to remove particles down to 0.1 microns in size or smaller. High maximum air-exchange rate. Maximum air-exchange rate refers to the amount of air an air cleaner is capable of passing through its system in a minute. Air purifiers...

Air purifier buying guide

Before you buy an oem air purifier, try some simple, common-sense steps to reduce indoor air pollution. Begin by vacuuming often, banning smoking indoors, minimizing use of candles and wood fires, and using exhaust fans in kitchen, bath, and laundry areas. Test your home for radon gas, which can cause lung cancer (test kits cost about $15). Don't store chemicals, solvents, glues, or pesticides in your house. Minimize the risk of deadly carbon monoxide gas by properly maintaining and venting...

Do you know how to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Your home is a safe haven and protection against the outside world. But, you may be living among invisible threats – namely airborne microbes, which can cause infection and ill-health. To ensure you live in a clean and comfortable environment, here are a few ways to improve indoor air quality. 1. Use Natural Air Fresheners Chemical air fresheners may smell nice, but they can also contain harmful toxicants, which will compromise indoor air quality. The safest bet is to go natural, and...

OEM Air Purifier:China Starting To Meet Air Quality Standards

Anyone who’s been keeping up on air quality concerns in China will be interested to know that 75% of big Chinese cities still fail to meet air quality standards, although slowly but surely they are making progress to meet air quality standards. Yet, according to Reuters and the Chinese environment ministry, that number is actually positive, signifying a relatively substantial increase in year over year air quality – which showed 90% of big Chinese cities didn’t meet air quality standards last year,...

OEM Air Purifier:China Air Purifier Trends

Since the US Embassy in Beijing began reporting the air quality readings in Jan 2012 the awareness of the severity of the air environment issues in China has risen dramatically. With the prevalent use of mobile phones and apps in China air purifier trends are becoming easier to see. Let’s look a little deeper at what’s happening. The air environment in China is very different than that in the United States or Europe. China has small PM2.5 particulates as well as...

What is air purifier?

OEM Air Purifier is a kind of home appliance which can absorb odor, remove smell, decompose formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, second-hand smoke, Hepa Air purifer also can transform all kinds of air pollutants adsorption, (generally include such as dust, pollen, smell, formaldehyde decoration pollution, bacteria, allergies, etc.). 1.China air purifier. If it is located in the area of moderate humidity, or the quality of the air is not too high, buy a oemair purifier is good. 2.Humidifier air purifier. Indoor air is very dryif usually open air...

China Air Purifier:China Air Purifier Market Overview 2016

The air purifier market in China is estimated to be about USD 0.965 Billion in 2014. China is the abode to rising industrialization and increasing population which thereby affects the pollution in the country. Increasing number of heart attacks and other air borne disease was kind of a warning to the people of China about the depleting quality of air surrounding them. Rising health concerns, changing consumer lifestyle and increasing disposable income are boosting the adoption of air purifiers in...