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How to use anion air purifier?And what is the the best H13 HEPA air purifier in the market.

Everyone has heard of negative ion air purifiers. Negative ion air purifiers are a very common household appliance. Negative ion air purifiers can effectively purify our air pollution through the function of negative ions.   1. The location of the negative ion air purifier is very important The position of the negative ion air purifier will also affect the purification effect. When placing it, be careful not to close to the wall or furniture. It is best to place it in the center...

How to choose an air purifier?Four points helps you choose air purifier in 2021&2022

There may be many hidden dangers in the air that looks normal at ordinary times, such as excessive formaldehyde released during new house decoration, a large number of molds in Meiyu season, and viruses spread by influenza outbreak, etc. It can also improve the indoor air environment. Our best choice is air purifier. However, there are so many kinds of air purifiers in the market, how can we choose to avoid "stepping on thunder"? 1、 What are the specifications of the...

Five misunderstandings about air purifiers

The U.S. Department of Environmental Protection conducted a survey on human activity patterns. People spend 87% of their time indoors and 7% of their time outdoors. Is our air really healthy if we stay indoors for a long time? The answer is of course no, you think, as large as harmful pollutants, inhalable particulate matter, as small as PM2.5, dust particles, cigarette smoke, flower fragrance, pet hair, dander, and even new coronavirus, bacteria, formaldehyde, benzene, Sulfur dioxide and so on. These timed...

Working principle of air purifier

Air purifiers are common home appliances. Before using air purifiers, you will know what are the air purifiers on the market. Let's talk about the issue of air purifiers. The working principle of air purifier The air purifier is mainly composed of motor, fan, air filter screen and other systems. Its working principle is: the motor and fan in the machine make the indoor air circulate, and the polluted air will be removed or absorbed after passing through the air filter screen...

In summer, formaldehyde air purifier is more needed

According to the report on the ecological environment of Chinese families, the indoor environment of Chinese families is not objective. Among the nine cities monitored, formaldehyde in families exceeds the standard most seriously, with the exceeding rate of nearly 80% in Beijing, Guangzhou, Jinan and Xi'an. In summer, formaldehyde air purifier is more needed.   In general, users are used to decorate rooms in spring, and "let the air out" for newly decorated rooms in summer. After the new house is decorated,...

Concerned about the air quality in your home?

Concerned about the air quality in your home? Air purifiers can work wonders to reduce common pollutants like dust, pet dander, smoke and other harmful particles from the air and are especially helpful for people with seasonal allergies. Air purifiers work by pulling air into the machine at the base to go through a filter (or sometimes multiple filters) to catch particles and pollutants. Then the clean, filtered air is released back into the room from the top of the...

Olansi Desktop Air Purifier A12

In recent years , Chinese air purifier market has gradually become subdivided , in whichbedroom , pet-specific air purifier begin to be pursued ; the global air market continuedto grow , of which , South Korea , India maintained high growth ; low-end air purifiers inthe popular market still sell relatively well . With the rapid development of the singleeconomy and the pet economy , the demand for small purifiers will increase rapidly . And now The Concept of Air Purifier...

Some knowledge about air purifiers

It's the heavy fog season again! The gray sky is like the end of the world in a disaster movie. Usually 2.5 is in the thirties, but now there are hundreds of different words. With such a broad mind on air quality, are you also saying "it's time to buy an air purifier"? Before you buy, you'd better listen to some professional suggestion. Olansi healcare, professional air purifier manufacturer will share the knowledge of air purifier with you! Lesson-1 To Know...

Top 5 Air Purifiers Facts You Should Know

There has been lots of arguments about air purifiers and how they work amongst people in recent times. This can only be traced to the fact that they don’t understand such devices completely. As a matter of fact, there are people who believe air purifiers don’t work as most experts are claiming. There are individuals who also believe that it is only another way of incurring unnecessary cost in their monthly electricity bills. olansi K03C3 air purifier supplier The truth is that...

Air purifiers: what are they and what are they for?

Cough at night, itchy throat, blocked nose, stinging eyes, nausea, dizziness. They are some of the ailments that, together with other allergic symptoms, are increasingly common in homes. You may have at home a member who is suffering from this type of disorder. You may be yourself, your partner, and more likely, one of your children. You know something is wrong, but you are not sure where the problem is. olansi K08A air purifier When the enemy is at home That the pollution of cities...