Tag - Air Purifiers Manufacturers In China

Secrets you don’t know about air purifiers

PM2.5 is not as easy to deal with as you think We found that it has many unexpected features. Many of the methods that we think are effective have become weak. Diffusion ability: The diffusion ability of polluted air is extremely powerful and rapid. In an outdoor polluted environment, a closed clean space will be neutralized by pollution once it is opened for about 1 second. This feature invalidates many measures that are considered effective. That's why the N95 mask should be...

Is air purifier good or bad, what’s the best way to implement Air Purifiers and be safe?

A lot of speculations and assumptions have been making the rounds that air purifiers are no good. The information even went as far as saying it can cause you more health damage than it will be doing any good with respect to purifying your indoor air. Others have come out to say that it can increase your coughing and sneezing symptoms. All this information has actually discouraged so many people from wanting to have anything to do with these purifiers. But...