Search Results - M1

Air pollution awareness soars in China

As China enjoys an economic boom, air pollution has become a serious problem. As incomes rise and priorities shift away from only covering the basic needs to ensuring a better life, environmental awareness is also soaring in China. A city shrouded in pollution. Skies like these in the bustling city of Shanghai are now a common view in China’s booming cities Development has come at a cost....poor air quality. To tackle the problem, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has pledged to implement PM2.5 readings...

Air pollution is linked to irregular heartbeat and lung blood clots

Air pollution linked to irregular heartbeat, lung blood clot Air pollution is linked to irregular heartbeat and lung blood clots, a large study concludes. But picture less clear for impact on heart attack and stroke risk, large study finds. But its impact on directly boosting the risk of heart attacks and stroke is rather less clear, the research indicates. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this...

High pollution levels linked to increase in heart attack risk

High levels of pollution could increase the risk of having a heart attack for up to six hours after exposure, finds research published online in the British Medical Journal. However, the researchers found no increased risk after the six hour time frame. Given the transient nature of the increased risk, they speculate that the heart attack would have happened anyway and was merely brought forward by a few hours. This is known as a short-term displacement (or "harvesting") effect of pollution. While established...